A Thrilling Experience on Fox 8: Promoting the New Orleans Girls Club and Our Upcoming Fundraiser

This past week, Caitlin and I had the incredible opportunity to be interviewed on Fox 8 by the lovely Shelby Latino! As the co-founders of the New Orleans Girls Club, we were thrilled to share our mission of connecting women in the city through social events and meaningful interactions. We’re excited to share some highlights from our interview with all of you.

The New Orleans Girls Club: Building Connections

During the interview, we talked about how the New Orleans Girls Club is dedicated to creating a supportive community for women. Our club offers a variety of social events where women can come together, build friendships, and share experiences. From cocktail parties to workout classes to cooking classes, there's something for everyone. Our aim is to foster a sense of belonging and empowerment among women in New Orleans.

Sneak Peek: Pink Dress Crawl Fundraiser in October

One of the most exciting parts of the interview was giving a sneak peek of our upcoming fundraiser: the Pink Dress Crawl. This event, scheduled for October 5th, will be the highlight of our year! In support of the National Breast Cancer Foundation, we are organizing a bar crawl in the French Quarter, where participants are encouraged to wear pink to raise money and awareness for breast cancer research.

The Pink Dress Crawl is not just about fundraising; it's about coming together as a community to support a cause that affects so many lives. We will have various participants from your favorite bars on Bourbon Street and businesses in New Orleans, plus the vibrant energy of the French Quarter. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the event – it’s going to be an unforgettable day!

A Big Thank You to fox8

Caitlin and I want to extend our heartfelt thanks to Lisa Michie for having us on Fox 8. Her support for our club means so much to both of us! The interview was a fantastic experience, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to spread the word about the New Orleans Girls Club and our mission.

- Laura Walter

Click here to watch!

Join Us!

If you're interested in joining the New Orleans Girls Club or participating in the Pink Dress Crawl, we’d love to have you! Follow us on social media for updates on events and ways to get involved. Together, we can make a difference and have a lot of fun along the way.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the New Orleans Girls Club so far. Here’s to many more exciting events and meaningful connections in the future!


Lets celebrate: “Woman of the month”